Dressing masculine without losing your femininity
By: Dominique Ali for Real Size Magazine
A woman asserting her independence, while maintaining her femininity has been a classic struggle since women emerged from kitchens and classrooms to having careers and running their own companies. In fashion, this concept reins more true now as it ever has. We've been through every type of evolution; from wearing pants for the first time to suites with horrid shoulder pads in them to give the illusion of having the broad shoulders of a man. Women have thankfully moved passed trying to prove themselves to men, to being an equal or even surpassing them; this reigns true in fashion as well.
To achieve a masculine look, but maintain feminine features all depends on the cut, fit, and type of your garment being worn; not the brand, not the color, and not the fact that it's a man's item verses a woman's. Mens clothing is very bulky especially on woman's smaller frame, so it would be very easy for a woman regardless of hight or weight to drown in all the material it's takes to construct a man's item. So, how do we look better then men in their own clothing? Like we do everything else, bend and twist boarders and boundaries until it become exactly what we want it to be.
First when choosing a cut think liner. If your a short, you would want to chose something that gives you the appearance of being taller by lengthening your torso and/or legs. If your already tall, maintain your height by using good posture. Remember your curves will accentuate your look and bring structure to an otherwise shapeless item by allowing it to mold itself to your body.
Next, is fit. As previously stated you want to chose something that molds to your body, while bringing that extra va-va-voom to your ensemble. Fit is very important because it states how you will be perceived to others. Too tight a fit will suggest that your intentions are less than honorable. Too loose will give you the appearance of being slovenly. But a fitted look will give you confidence and control; which is something all women want. It shows you have pride in your abilities, knowledge of your craft, take your purpose very seriously.
Finally, we have type. As divas, we know that a well placed item can do one of two things; either make your day or ruin it. Both will bring you attention, but which one do you want? When portraying a masculine look you have to know if your going for effect or shock value. Effect would be an accent piece, for example a tie, suspenders, Fedora, Oxford shoes, or a vest. Shock value would be going all out; possibly wearing a full suit, with all the trimmings, with even an intense smoky eye to project fierceness. The type of clothing you choose will set the tone for how seriously people take you and also how you take yourself.
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