Saturday, September 27, 2014

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is Breast Caner Awareness month, and in honor of the all women affect by this disease I'm dedicating this weeks post to the women who continue to fight the good fight and look beautiful will battling their illness.Before researching Breast Cancer, I didn't know much about it. The most I knew without researching is that it is deadly to some, and treatments include radiation treatment and/or mastectomy. I was basically ignorant to the causes of this illness. The first I found in my research was that Breast Cancer affects 1 in 8 women. Let's rewind that...1 in 8 woman, can you imagine that? Well, imagine this; get seven of your closest friends together, now visualize that one of you statistically may have a high chance of developing breast cancer. Scary right!

 What's the facts? 

Breast Cancer is caused by the uncontrolled growth of abnormal breast cells. It occurs as a result of abnormality in genes that regulate the growth of healthy cells. The presents of the mutated cells can divide like normal healthy cells usually do, and continue to replicate itself until a tumor is formed. 

There are 2 types of tumors. Tumors can be benign which isn't dangerous or it can be malignant which can has not only the ability to be dangerous, but deadly. Most likely cancerous, malignant cells can spread to other parts of the body causing the process to repeat.

*Information provided from

Fabulous regardless of diagnosis!

In fashion, we tend to want to make everything appear perfect regardless of the chaos born of trying to give the appearance of being flawless. In life we all know that avoiding chaos is damn near impossible, so instead of celebrating the the false sense of perfection we all crave; we should embrace if only for a moment the fact that beauty is found within. 

In honor of Breast Cancer Awarness Month I've found several retailers and designers that have georgous items that we all can wear to show support to women who fight everyday. 

(NOTE: these items are not all associated with Breast Cancer Awarness, I just thought it would be a great way for us plus sized girls to show support.)

We can show our support through fashion!

Zelie for She

Monif C

Bella Rene'



Hips & Curves


Asos Curve

Together We Conquer, Divided We Fall!

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Friday, September 26, 2014

The Blog Snob: The Content Of Your Character


*exposing crap ass blogging and writing*

What is a blog, if not the content or message the writer is attempting to convey to the masses. As a blogger/writer, I don't want to just paint a pretty picture, but to tell a story in such a way that it can inspire others to do the same. With that being said, I've read not only blogs; but magazine articles that are empty in its content. Some ramble on and on without a clear focus which confuses the reader. Instead of directly telling readers what's on the writers mind, they fill up space with some small reference to comedy or innuendos that can't or won't drive home the point. When I write on a particular subject I like for my content to flow and have a purpose. For me content is the steak and potatoes of the piece your writing, the photo content is the side dish, and the dessert is all the pieces coming together to form a cohesive thought. 

To create more content for your subject of choice is to really have a passion for what you are writing. If your not feeling it, then why should anyone else? Choose a subject that has merit and can make a valid point when writing. Above anything else make it make sense. It has to be relatable and understandable to different types of people not just your target audience; the goal of any artist is to be able to reach different people from all walks of life. That is what makes you, and your blog uniquely individual in the web world were most people copy each other's ideas and lose their initial voice. 

Remember these words when writing!


Pre plan your blogs, I know that it's hard to come up with original content that hasn't been done by others, but you know what you want to read or hear about and chances are there is someone else in the world that has those same concerns. Take a risk and be not afraid to fall. If but you should fall be not afraid to pick yourself back up again ~ Dominique A.

*Please comment, like, & share!*

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