This post is completely off the cuff and unexpected, but I’m writing (contemplating actually posting it) all the same. The question I bring to you is, How Full Is Your Cup? I know this is such a strange question, but walk with me a little bit.
Some people like to depict events, occasions, etc as metaphors; for instance life. In the title line of this post the metaphor for life is the cup, and the events that cause the cup to become full, empty, or somewhere in between are the occurrences that we encounter everyday from people, to work, to how we unwind and relate to others. This is a very common phrase and mostly used as a unit of measure to gage one’s faith in something or someone.

It’s said that when you "give from your cup" that it has to be replenished (duh, we of course it does insert eye roll here, lol) and if you can’t replenish it it’s your own fault for giving something away that is crucially valuable to sustaining your own existence. So, the phrase has been modified to what we come to know now as "you give from your overflow" doing this ensures that "your cup" will never empty and you’ll be able to love and live your best life and contribute to whatever you’ve committed yourself to doing. But back to the original question, How Full Is Your Cup?
Some of us attempt to give from our overflow, but accidentally dip into our own life preserving cup without realizing we did it; I’m one of those people (so, I’m speaking from my own experience. I’m no expert in any capacity, I’m just speaking my truth. After all These Are My Chronicles, lol).

I know you’re like, "Dom, what the hell are you talking about?" But follow me for a minute. I’ve been a friend, girlfriend, wife, mother and now that I can now add Single to that list I’ve realized that although I want to put myself out "there" and embrace my freedom and connectivity with other people; I’m reluctant to do so. I can’t give what I don’t have. If my cup was a car, and in order to be mobile I needed gas; then honey my light would be on, flashing cause I’m using my reserve tank on the highway with no gas stations in sight, with no damn roadside assistance, and a dead cell phone battery.
I know, I know I’m outgoing as hell; most of the time I am, I’m a Gemini it’s my superpower, but like everyone else I have my moments when I have no idea what the hell I’m doing. I don’t know how to articulate at times, I lose focus on what really makes me happy (I probably don’t really know what that is, catch), I have a ton of conflicting ideas and emotions and I can contribute all those things and more to giving away so much of me that I don’t have enough to sustain. Which brought about the title question.
For months I’ve been isolating myself in an attempt to convince my soul that I needed to take me time to sort out the hits life keeps bestowing on me. Part of that is 100% truth, only recently it dawned on me that there is another level to my isolation. I don’t have any internal energy to give to myself, so I’m draining myself not only without realizing it, I’m also not replenishing what I’ve lost. If anything I’m justifying the loss with the other common phrase "It is, what it is."
For me, there’s no recycling process happening. I’m not turning experience into productive energy. Instead I’m sitting in it, and when repugnant things happen I not only blame myself, but I blame myself. I’ve owned my role so much that I’ve almost convinced myself I deserve it. Then the Gemini in me fights back and this vicious tug of war happens and I’m right back where I started. I want to run, but my weaker side says I can’t. I want to sing, but the weaker side says I can’t carry a tune, I want to be better than my current circumstance then my weaker side says look at your situation.I think a psychologist would call that self sabotage; I have to say I wouldn’t disagree.
SIDE BAR: That is the reason why I’ve always had a problem with the phrase "Strong Black Woman." Strong black woman my ass! We break down like any other women would. Yes, pressure makes diamonds; but at what cost to the diamond’s integrity? A women’s worth should NOT be measured in the amount of pain she can endure. In my humble opinion the phrase is used as an excuse to treat women badly and justify it by making her work harder and not let it show for the exact same result or outcome. Isn’t that the definition of insanity? We are taught not to show hurt, pain, depression, anxiety. We’re taught to bury that shit down deep and don’t talk to anyone but Jesus about it. In the meantime, your sanity is hanging by a thread.
This post isn’t a cry for help, more like self evaluation. Most people would much rather ignore their issues and stew in them forever, not me. If I can realize this is happening, well then I can make it un-happen. How? Good question. I don’t have all the answers, like you I have more questions then answers. But I can practice what I preach by committing myself to actually filling and maintaining a healthy balance in my "cup."

Ideas π‘ for filling my cup:
1. Stop looking for others to appreciate me;appreciate myself.
2. Before I go too far, ask myself "why am I upset" Don’t ever Fill the Cup with anger!
3. Don’t entertain any foolishness from anyone, including family and friends.
4. Understand that yes, I have to own up to my character flaws. But not so much so that I turn in to Eeyore (from Winnie The Pooh, whom is speculated to be the character thatrepresents depression.) not all things are my fault, everyone is accountable.
5. Take my me time. Stop making "me time" plans with no follow through.
6. De clutter as much as possible, literally and metaphorically (I’ve already started this one).
As I come up with more ideas on how to "Fill My Cup" I’ll post them to my Facebook page at These Are My Chronicles Blog. If you have any suggestions or what to share feel free! The link is below:
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