Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Full Figured Novels Fit or Flop: the truth about novels geared towards plus size women.

Who are full figured women? We are much more than our fabulous figures, we are intelligent, capable, worthy, stubborn, yet loving all at once. So, in being all that we are; there should be media or written works that reflect the different persona's we possess? Well, there are some written works out in the world; but a majority of them reflect a plus size woman as sort of depressed, no self worth, or settling in what or whom ever is available in that moment. And this conclusion is simply not true, though we all have the ability to throw ourselves pity parties every now and then at some point we get over it and move on. The characters in some of these novels seem to live in there misery. This trend of a low to no self esteem plus size woman has to stop! We need to have a better representation of the issues we face than the demur character that is lacking in relevance. I have read quite a few full figured novels that were absolutely on point as far as what we endure and how we endure it; but some of the others make me question the motive of some of these writers. What do you think? Have you read a genre for full
Figured women? If so, how did you feel about it?

Recently, on Fashion Plus's Facebook page(www.facebook.com/FashionPlusBlog) I've suggested some books that could possibly have the potential to be great reads they are:

• Real Fitness for Real Women by Rice Rochell

• Down that aisle in style by: Chanein Canton

• The curvy Girl's guid to style by: Chastity Garner

• We just have more to love by: W. Roger Borwnlee

I've never read these works before and will be reading them with you all. So, we'll be discovering the possibilities together. As always stay BEAUTIFUL, CONFIDENT, & above all SEXY! Any comments, questions etc. Please leave them below or contact me on:
Email: fabulouslyp@gmail.com


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