Fashion, advice, stories, relationships,mishaps, incite, & more from a Plus Size Girl in a average size world!
Monday, August 13, 2012
The mirror has two faces: Which one do you believe?
Hello Dolls! I know you guys are looking at this image saying ok, what's this about? Well, I've had something on my mind I want to share with all of you; it's something we all struggle with, but most people don't talk about it or ignore it. I know because I'm guiltily of ignoring it myself. First I want to say I'm no doctor, therapist, or anything like that; I just talk to you guys from a real place of what I've seen, heard, or experienced for myself. Can I do that? Is that alright? Well, let's get started!
The two faces of a mirror, I know y'all like; what two faces? When I look I only see one, and that's the fabulous me! And your right there is only one face and it's yours, but when I say two faces; what I mean is the face you see in the mirror, and the one you see in your MIND. What I'm really talking about is perception or body image perception. I've notice that some of us don't believe what we see in the mirror because our minds are giving us totally different information. We apply how we feel to how we look, thus using our outer appearance to reflect what we think we look like; and this simply isn't true (not in all cases, but a good majority). Like I said I'm guilty of the same misconception as most so I'm not trying to be Debbie Downer, I just want to be real with you.
How can we fix this? By being honest with ourselves about our appearances and how we appear to other people? Did you ever try asking somebody who knows you pretty well about how they perceive you? Well, you should if you didn't the results could shock you. Plus size ladies were affected by this most of all that's why we seem to miss the mark when trying to reinvent ourselves; a majority of the time we don't know where to start so we go for the easiest mark. Fashion magazines, clothing stores that don't go up to our size, wear items six sizes too small; all in an effort to feel better about our own perception of ourselves. And why? It does nothing but stress us out later if we feel like we don't measure up. Our minds are the "I can wear that beast" and we feed it by feeding into the mainstream idea of what a "woman" should look like. That 'beast' tell us we can do something and we believe it that's the minds perception. Then we do it and look in the mirror at our handiwork and we look a HOT MESS! That my lovely is the mirrors perception. The mirror is what's real; the mind is what is fooling us every time. I guess that's were we get the phrase GO AND GET YOUR MIND RIGHT! Because it can truly be the worst if that's how we continue to go through life.
Do some soul searching and really find out what it is that's causing you to believe a lie. You have to approve of yourself before anyone else can approve of you. Which mirror would you chose? Until next time my loves! Stay beautiful, confident, sexy, and above all plus size and loving it!
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