Saturday, September 29, 2012

Love & Sex the Plus Size Way: How much is too much to handle?

Hello my beauties! I know this is a fashion blog, but it's named Fashion Plus because every now and again I like to branch out into different arenas that concern the full figured community.

I recently was watching a vlog by one of my favorite vloggers Kimonica, and she brought up some issues I long forgot. The rejection of being a full figured person that always seem to fall into the "friendship zone" of a relationship instead of actually being in a relationship. How do you feel about that? Is having a relationship with a full figured person embarrassing to the people in relationships with them? Or is it just an insecurity that we have to get over? I think that's the question many of us pose when entering into a physical or mental relationship with a potential significant other.

Have you ever been that really cool guy or girl friend that is always there to listen to your friends problems and maybe offer a few kind or words of wisdom? If it ever went pass a casual friendship, how did that make you feel? Did your bond get stronger or did it sour?

The concept of "love" is scary no matter the person that your interested in, but before it gets to that point most of us start off as...yeah you guessed it FRIENDS! On the flip side someone could be interested in a plus size person, but could be embarrassed to be seen with you; honestly I think I've encountered that version a time or two on my life. Thankfully I've never been aware of it until after the fact.

*I got a story to tell:

When I was a teenager I was so brain washed by what society thought beauty was that I never put myself in the category of beautiful. So it was a natural thing for me to be oblivious to someone who liked me; I would just write it off as "just being nice." Later another friend would tell me what happened and I'll never forget what she said. She said" he likes you but he won't talk to you like that because he's afraid of what his boys will think." you would think that was devastating, but it wasn't it's exactly what I expected, so i didn't give it a second thought. And that's sad but true. Have you experienced something similar?

So, in saying that how much is too much for you to handle? And what message are you conveying to the world, think about it.

Leave any comments, suggestions, or concerns below. Stay beautiful, confident, & sexy!

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Friday, September 14, 2012

5 Tips a Plus Size Diva must know to Be successful

Hello Dolls! Today I want to bring to you five tips that will make you successful in your industry. Lets be honest competition for a full figured man or woman its much harder than for our smaller counterparts to be considered for a particular career path, so in order to get a fair deal I have devised a few ways to get the ball in our court and climb that "corporate ladder."

Tip #1: know your occasion/profession and dress for it.

Nothing is worse or leaves a bad impression more than someone ill dressed for a meeting, interview, or presentation. You have 5 seconds to make a first impression and unfortunately the first one is always visual. For the full figured person this is a great task to perform, not only do you have to convey neat but capable as well. Some employers (not all) may assume that your size will be an issue when conducting certain tasks, you must prove to them in a non verbal way that you are fully capable of any task they set forth.

Tip #2: Wear confidence like you would your favorite pair of shoes!

When you walk into the room try to be the biggest personality there (no pun intended) not overwhelming or "cocky" but intelligent. As we all know there is a thin line between confident and cocky so try your best not to cross it. Just put in your mind that no one is sexier, more beautiful, or have half as much rapport as you. When this happens you feel more comfortable in your surroundings and that allows your personality to shine through giving the other person a glimpse into what it would be like to work with you.

Tip #3: Personal Style

Stand out as much as possible without overpowering onlookers. Make the other people look as if the were manufactured drones that are fresh from the assembly line. Their generic looks and personality will be no match for you. Just be aware of your surrounding and adjust if need be. Try not to wear strong perfumes or colones, nothing will turn someone off more than to be aquatinted with your fragrance Before they become aquatinted with you.

Tip #4: Be Knowledgeable

Study the company or background of the attendees as much as you can prior. That way you can build a casual conversation with one or a group of people and make them feel more relaxed to talk about a subject their familiar with. This relationship building can lead to networking within your industry as well as open you to new ones. Know your conversational strengths and play them up with full potential and growth; your bound to get the attention of some high profile person, client, or group that can lead you into the right direction.

Tip # 5: Coordination

No matter what industry your in, your ability to be adaptable to any corporate structure is essential. Start a routine and try to build or improve on it as soon as the occasion calls for it. Be the captain of every ship in your port; know what's going on and what their needs are. While doing this also remember that you are not every man or woman and sometime need to enlist the help of others, being a multi-tasked person doesn't mean you have to do it alone.

Remember these fives tips I'm sure they will come in handy! As always stay Beautiful, Confident, and Full figured! Until next time xo!

Comment as you see fit.

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