How comfortable in the shape of your body? Many women struggle with this question. As young girls we are taught that beauty is what people can see and not what they feel. When I say taught, I don't mean by our parents or teachers; I mean by visual images. Perceptions of what the American standard of beauty is or can be. How about we change that perception? How? By asking ourselves the basic question of am I comfortable in my curvy?

How can you tell if you or another woman is comfortable in their curvy? Easily done, watch how they move, they way they carry themselves or their weight. If she moves with a flow or grace like walking from one point to the next is effortless, then YES she is comfortable in her curvy.
If a women hides herself under large ill fitting clothing, doubts herself before anyone else gets the chance to, and walks with a discomfort that makes others uncomfortable by watching her move; then it's safe to assume that this woman is not comfortable in her own skin. How can this woman(women) move past how they see or feel about themselves to project a positive image that can radiate from the inside out?

I for one am going to continue to fight the good fight in hopes that one day women like myself & others will be accepted in the fashion industry. It took most of my adult years to accept my own body, and that was mostly due to what I saw boys were interested in when they were looking at girls to date. And some of those insecurities carried over into adulthood until I was able to understand and challenge what people thought beauty was.
So, I challenge you to challenge others into changing what they consider the standard of beauty to be. In the meantime stay Beautiful, Confident, & Sexy!
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Im not as comfortable as I should be, however I'm told over and over again how pretty I am and how cute I'm put together....I wear a size 16/18 and some 20...but I feel like I'm a super +....I see super plus girls dressed to the nines killing the game with the highest confidence and I wonder how did they get their? I want to walk in the room and all heads turn on me...
ReplyDeleteIf your not naturally confident, the road to it can be a long one. I suggest you love you a little bit more first, then find out what makes you special. What is one thing you like about you? When you find it be proud of it and love it more than you love your favorite pair of jeans. Wake up knowing that this part of you is unique only to you; and that's where it starts.
DeleteAfter that your demeanor will change without you realizing it. One more thing when you walk hold your head up. When you talk do it with conviction; be passionate but not pushy, know where you stand on a subject and don't be afraid to voice it.