QUESTION: How hard is it to be the only plus size person in your department or company? Do you feel awkward?
One factor that is timeless is the all important 'look' of the applicant. I know this shouldn't matter, it most of the time it doesn't; however there are those rare times when it's more than obvious what's on someone's mind when meeting someone for the first time or when considering them to be promoted.
My experience with this area came in the form of a job I worked a long time ago, I worked for a company
where image was everything; due to the fact that it was a retail company where it catered to a specific type of consumer. The target consumer was a cool, thin, popular, in-crowd sort of person. How I got a position with this company was through my school who referred me, and due to their lack of people to perform a particular task I was last hope so to speak. I worked hard, stayed late, worked overnight shifts, trained team members who later joined, and even visited other locations to amp up that's stores notoriety. There were also times when the store was being visited by corporate offices and I was the only team member on deck to ensure that the layout and merchandise was up to par, that's how much I was trusted with the presentation of the store.
where image was everything; due to the fact that it was a retail company where it catered to a specific type of consumer. The target consumer was a cool, thin, popular, in-crowd sort of person. How I got a position with this company was through my school who referred me, and due to their lack of people to perform a particular task I was last hope so to speak. I worked hard, stayed late, worked overnight shifts, trained team members who later joined, and even visited other locations to amp up that's stores notoriety. There were also times when the store was being visited by corporate offices and I was the only team member on deck to ensure that the layout and merchandise was up to par, that's how much I was trusted with the presentation of the store.
Through all that I mentioned, when it came promotion time I was passed over for a manager position; and the person that was chosen was someone I trained, that was the 'body type' the company felt good with representing them.

When it came down to it, the company felt that 'attractive people' attract 'attractive people', so to have someone
they felt didn't bring in the consumers they wanted to shop with them, I was to continue to be in the background, work in the stock room, hired help.
Honestly, the person they chose instead was an epic IDIOT and didn't deserve the position (dumb as a box of rocks kind of stupid). To add insult to injury my manager at the time hid the promotion from me because he was afraid I would quit and they didn't want to loose me, but didn't think enough of me to promote me...HOW DOES THAT WORK? So needless to say I put in my two weeks notice. When I reported the incident to HR I was told maybe I didn't get it because I wore glasses, or my hair was in a pony tail....REALLY! Then tried to talk me out of leaving, yeah, cause after that I was really going to stay. So you can kind of see why plus size in the work place is a sore subject with me.
For awhile, I thought it was my fault. Maybe there was something I lacked that prevented me from getting the position I wanted, even after I heard what was told to me by HR (one guy in particular, not the whole dept). For a long time I struggled (work wise), I gave up on my goals and attempted to just work for the sake of working; though I wasn't happy. Me being miserable made people around me miserable too. Until one day I became so frustrated by not being where I wanted to be at that point in my life that I decided to start a blog. I did it because no other blogger was discussing the things that I could relate to. I was in a sense searching for something that I couldn't find. So, because I couldn't find it I created it in FASHION PLUS!

When it came down to it, the company felt that 'attractive people' attract 'attractive people', so to have someone
they felt didn't bring in the consumers they wanted to shop with them, I was to continue to be in the background, work in the stock room, hired help.
Honestly, the person they chose instead was an epic IDIOT and didn't deserve the position (dumb as a box of rocks kind of stupid). To add insult to injury my manager at the time hid the promotion from me because he was afraid I would quit and they didn't want to loose me, but didn't think enough of me to promote me...HOW DOES THAT WORK? So needless to say I put in my two weeks notice. When I reported the incident to HR I was told maybe I didn't get it because I wore glasses, or my hair was in a pony tail....REALLY! Then tried to talk me out of leaving, yeah, cause after that I was really going to stay. So you can kind of see why plus size in the work place is a sore subject with me.
For awhile, I thought it was my fault. Maybe there was something I lacked that prevented me from getting the position I wanted, even after I heard what was told to me by HR (one guy in particular, not the whole dept). For a long time I struggled (work wise), I gave up on my goals and attempted to just work for the sake of working; though I wasn't happy. Me being miserable made people around me miserable too. Until one day I became so frustrated by not being where I wanted to be at that point in my life that I decided to start a blog. I did it because no other blogger was discussing the things that I could relate to. I was in a sense searching for something that I couldn't find. So, because I couldn't find it I created it in FASHION PLUS!
That has defiantly happened to me. Every time I walk through the mall, go to a restaurant, even if I'm out and about with my husband and kids. It's almost like the size of my gut, butt, hips, and breasts define me more than my killer way of being. As long as their is a size restraint on beauty we will continue to be prejudged without the courtesy of showing who we are. Sad? Yes. Reality? Hell YES!
It's simple, FIGHT ON! who is anyone to tell you what you can and can' aspire for? Why is it because your body is not what the mainstream desires that the importance of your work is less relevant? I feel like if you have a talent, passion, or connection to do something productive to your life; then you should do it. If your plus size, thick, overweight, or obese; if you are the best in your abilities don't sing backup, be front and center. If you want to be in the modeling industry? Let your stride, and confidence be what people judge you on; want to design? Make something that will SHOCK & AWE that has a great message. The point is be more that what they think you are, and go further that you thought you ever would.
It really doesn't matter what industry your trying to get into or what opportunities are given or not given to you; learn how to make a way from no way, don't take everything so personally, and be your own biggest supporter.
*Stay Beautiful, Positive, and Plus Size!
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It's simple, FIGHT ON! who is anyone to tell you what you can and can' aspire for? Why is it because your body is not what the mainstream desires that the importance of your work is less relevant? I feel like if you have a talent, passion, or connection to do something productive to your life; then you should do it. If your plus size, thick, overweight, or obese; if you are the best in your abilities don't sing backup, be front and center. If you want to be in the modeling industry? Let your stride, and confidence be what people judge you on; want to design? Make something that will SHOCK & AWE that has a great message. The point is be more that what they think you are, and go further that you thought you ever would.
It really doesn't matter what industry your trying to get into or what opportunities are given or not given to you; learn how to make a way from no way, don't take everything so personally, and be your own biggest supporter.
*Stay Beautiful, Positive, and Plus Size!
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