Monday, December 30, 2013

Press Play > : Plus Size Club Wear

Hi Beautiful People! Have you ever had  a ladies nght planned, or an amazing date night at the club with your honey only to discover that your club clothes are either don't fit or out dated? The worse part is that it's probably too late to run out a buy something. So, what do you do in that situation? I'll tell you what will happen; you'll most likely put on something cute that you've worn before, pair it with a new piece of jewelry or shoes that no one has seen you in yet, and get the stepping. Am I right? I know I'm right because I would the same thing. 

I also know that in the back of your mind your hoping that no one remebers this outfit, though thats impossible because everyone notices when a curvy or plus size girl wears something new. Its difficult for us to buy just anything to wear to the club or anywhere else for that matter because it leaves too many unknowns on the table. Unlike the curve-deficient ladies of the world, we have to worry about if our tops rolls up, the pants being too tight at the waist giving the wearer a burning sensation across the stomach because the denim is cutting into your skin, blouses that stick to back rolls, skirts that can roll up exposing thighs, panties, and much more if you know what I mean! It's hard out there for a big, plus size, or curvy girl to maintain our sexiness with all that craziness going on! So, I've attempted to make it easier for the pleasently plump divas; you know who you are! 

I've looked at some popular curvy retailers and found some great picks PRESS PLAY > CLUB WEAR!
Do you have a favorite retailer not mentioned? Tell me about it in the comments section below! Happy shopping Divas! 

From Torrid:






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Saturday, December 14, 2013

Fashion Plus's Holiday Wish List: Dominique's Picks For The Perfect Gift!

Happy Holidays Divas! This time of year we are all running around trying to prepare for family visits, party planning, traveling, shopping; all while still working, taking care of our families, and trying to maintain our sanity. With all this hectic activity going on we lose sight of ourselves. Instead of taking a breath; we take off top speed in order to get all our tasks done. In preparing for the holidays,we attempts to cater to others by giving them what they want; while not getting what we want or need. So, beautiful people we are taking the day off. Set some time aside for yourself. Get a drink, take a hot bath, or maybe spend some sort of alone time with your own thoughts. While, your taking that time to yourself try and figure out what it is you want Santa to bring your for Christmas. Here are some of the thing I will be asking Santa for when I take a seat on his knee this year!

This first thing I want is a Sexy Photo Shoot! Sometimes being a mom, and budding entrepreneur I get stuck in a routine. Its easy for me to throw on anything to run an errand or not care about what I look like. I want this photo shoot to remind me that I'm always going to be a sexy plus size diva, no matter how crazy my life is.

The next thing I would love is to be able to finish writing and publish my book that I've been working on for years. I love full figured novels, and become inspired by other authors. But I too want to be apart of this elite society and write about all the things that are in my heart.

Next, is a Dell Inspiron Ultrabook with touch screen. This diva defiantly needs a new computer in order to create works of art inside the pages of a book. Though my old computer is reliable  I really need an upgrade!

This beauty is a Tiffany & Co. Jean Schlcmberger cones bracelet in 18k gold. I want this just because it gorgeous! And of course beautiful girls deserve beautiful things!

This is for the diva on the go! I already have an Ipad mini, but what I don't have is a bluetooth keyboard to go with it. With this it will be a whole lot easier to write my blog, take notes, and do basically everything on the go without the discomfort of trying to type and hold up the device.

And if all the above wasn't enough, I need an gift card to feed the shopping beast I have!

I could always get these things my self, but I've been a good girl this year (sort of!) so I thing Santa a spare a little something extra! Happy Holidays Beautiful People!


Raw Curves Confessions: