Hello Beautiful People! I've been thinking of creating this CONFESSIONS series for a while but I wasn't exactly sure of how to approach the subject. So I'm going to speak from my heart and hope that you guys can understand where I'm coming from. In my other posts I gave you a glimpse of what is was like to grow up plus size in this series I won't give peaks, but the whole picture.
Thank you guys so much for rocking out with me and supporting me on my blog and YouTube as well as other social media outlets. Today the blinders come off, and if you were never plus size after I'm done you will know about it.
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Uniquely me! |
The first thing I want to say is that being Plus Size or Full Figured doesn't mean you are not healthy, nor does it mean that you are. When I started blogging my purpose was and STILL is to get the message out there that WE ARE BEAUTIFUL TOO to sum it up. But the question really is why does that message have to keep being re-iterated over and over? I think it's because we've been painted as being ugly, fat, nobody cares about you for so long that it starts to become us, we except what other people think we are and live with it; I was NEVER that type. I have lost MANY a friend because I would allow them to put me in that category of: Oh your the fat girl in the group(Cause as you can see, your girl is FAR from ugly) so you hold the purse. This is usually the part where I would shout obscenities, but I'm going to keep it classy today.

I've been through so many different phases trying to figure out who I am and what I want to achieve, so I think my experience is what makes it easy for me to say some of the things that will come to this series. The first thing that was the most OBVIOUS was that I had to stop looking for validation. It didn't happen on purpose, it was more like I was drafted into in but it happened all the same.When I was younger, I use to think that if I wasn't "Perfect" that I wouldn't be able to compete in the same arena with people (women) who had what I deemed better features than I did. So, in my mind if I had a scar, didn't say the right thing, made a miscalculation or misstep that I would not be redeemable. So, being a typical GEMINI I went( and still do!) HARD on everything I set out to do. For me failure is NOT an option. After a while, I asked myself; "Am I doing this for me, or for the approval of other people?"

I changed my way of thinking, I learned to except me. It was hard some days is harder than others, but I
know that I WILL succeed because I believe in me and it doesn't matter what the critics say, hell they need me to stay employed. My greatest love outside of my family is doing this blogging, writing, and being honest with you guys! Full figured fashion is one aspect of me, in Confessions were going to go a little bit deeper.
As this series continues I will touch on different scenarios and situations, hopefully you guys can relate to it; if not please try to understand it. Life isn't about always trying to get it right, but living it right for as long as you can.

In the meantime >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/FashionPlusBlog
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/Dom4Fashionplus
Instagram: PlusSizePrincessDom
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Girlfriend I'm in tears...I am so hard on myself I get depressed and I'm so beautiful, but when you are in a group of women who are "THICK", not PHAT men seem to love their thick thighs and bodacious booties and all they see on me is breast and a sweet face. I'm in a loving relationship with a woman for 3yrs and it's hard to hear her tell me your so pretty or that outfit is cute on you.. I know she sees the beauty, I just don't and she gets so frustrated. I don't know where to begin with being okay with me. But I gotta start some where and this blog is a good start.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you've found my blog, and that in some way I could help. I completely understand where your coming from, my husband and I go through the same thing; where he sometimes gets frustrated with me. Girl, we all fall prey to our emotions and sometimes can't see the beauty in ourselves that others can see. I still struggle with seeing it in my self at times, but what keeps me going is knowing that I have so many amazing things about me that make me feel good about myself, and in my emotional times that is what helps me through it.
DeleteMy luv, (if you don't mind me calling you that) don't focus on the validation of your girlfriend to make you feel beautiful, rely on you. You have a beautiful face and big boobs then girl that's all you need, a lot of women what surgically what you have NATURALLY! Honey, keep that in mind next time you feel down about yourself. That will be your start, you decide where you go from there. In the meantime, whenever you feel the need comment on the blog.
Thank you so very much for your comment, and trusting me to give some sort of advice to you.