Hi beautiful people! I want to talk to you guys about why I decided to go natural, but let's start from the beginning...I don't remember exactly when I my hair relaxed for the first time, but if I had to guess I would say about age 6 or 7. The first time, my mom let her friend put the relaxer in my hair for her because she had to work and she wanted my hair neat for school. Well, this woman put it in; but she put the WRONG relaxer in my head! I know what your thinking...your thinking how did she put the wrong one in my hair? Good question, it's because she wanted to use the kiddie relaxer my mom bought me to put in her daughters hair. NOT COOL right? And the relaxer she put in my hair was an adult Dark and Lovely; waaaay too strong for my thin, virgin hair! So, you know moms was upset I don't know what happened to them as friends after that, but I do know she NEVER let her put her hands in my hair ever again. Luckily, only a small patch of my hair came out, but she did my hair in such a way that no one could tell anything was wrong. Thus, starting my up and down love affair with relaxers.

I was never that girl that relaxes her hair every three months, honestly I only did it every six months(twice a
year), and in between I occasionally went to a beauty salon. But even relaxing twice a year gave me lots of breakage, also after my hair began to grow out from the relaxer I didn't wrapping my hair at night; this also contributed split ends, breakage, and un-even length.

In my search to find myself (hair wise) I cut, colored, streaked, fried, dyed, payed to the side, curled, braided, and weaved (very little) my hair to find my identity. And every single one of the mentioned thing s we not to my benefit. First off, my hair is naturally long. Problem is its thin so if I wanted a styled ponytail I needed a hair piece or what we call in the hood a track. Really, my problem was that every girl around me had short hair that those were the type of styles they did that were cute, so I wanted to be cute as well; only my hair could do all those styles despite me trying anyway.

So, after more than a decade of relaxing I've decided to go natural. To me it's very freeing! When it rains I don't have to wear a hat, and use an umbrella to keep my hair dry, or run and duck under onings. I've also experienced a lot of hair growth, shine, and strength due to my decision for natural hair. Please check out my
YOUTUBE page to watch my video on natural hair called Natural hair: my nightly routine for advice. I think because I've grown up and I'm no longer trying to find my identity that now I'm able to let go of some constraints the were put on me for being plus size, black, a woman, that I can now just LIVE; that's the best feeling ever!
Don't let ads like this make you believe that this is what you need to do to be beautiful. It really doesn't matter if you relax, perm, or go natural with your hair as long as you are comfortable with the health, and strength or your mane.
**Also, check me out I. June 2013 issue of Full Blossom Magazine for F things a diva must know.**
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