Saturday, April 28, 2012

Brands: the good, bad, & the ugly! Just because it's recognizable doesn't make it cute!

Hola, Diva's! I've noticed a trend going around, and I wanted the opportunity to address it. Being in retail I've seen items go in and out of style over the years. It seems like the most expensive item is usually the ugliest. I never understood why some Diva's would pay top dollar to look like a low paid fool? It's a big difference between actually being different and being a clown. Ladies, if you ever get that close to the edge remember personal style doesn't come from the main stream it comes from you.We influence the top designers, so give them something to work with. There are places to shop that don't offer designer name brands, but make up for it in offering great personal style. Diva's! Step out of your box, play around with different styles, but remember not to lose yourself in the process. If going to be a fashionista you must be versatile in all things that you do. With the upcoming summer, there will be lots of exotic fashion flavors to sample. Don't get caught up in the hype of always having to wear a label to feel validated as a woman with great style. As always stay beautiful, confident, an above all a show stopper! Please follow and share with a fellow Diva. Be on the look out for the next post, Sexy, Confident, and Covered up? Please leave comments below! Xoxox!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Do you know your plusivity level? A full figured woman's guide to self evaluation.

Hello Diva's! I know you guys are looking at the title saying "it's happened she's lost her mind!" Nope, I haven't on the contrary I think I've got a jewel. What is plusivity? Plusivity is your level of thickness. Now ladies, some of us are guilty of not gageing our sizes properly therefore not wearing the right size clothing. The other day I saw a wanna be diva walking wearing a tight purple shirt and tighter jeans with it. It was super hot that day and all I could think was that she was hot and uncomfortable. So, I thought to myself; I wonder If anyone else has this issue. A lot of times retailers don't care if their clothing fits us well as long as it sells. How many times have you gone into a store and picked up something your size only to try it on and it doesn't fit? And what's the usual excuse oh some places cut the clothing different, at times that's true; but there are also times where were just not a priority because were not the target group. So, my answer to that is try to stick closely to the specialty shops that cater to a fuller woman; that way it will be less competition between us and our smaller counterparts. Diva's won't feel the need to squeeze into too tight clothing and by identifying your plusivity level your experience should be a good one. What are the levels? Short/tall& round, big/small breasts( it matters), thick, curvy, etc you guys get the point! Basically, Know how far you need the spandex to stretch. The last thing you want is to look like you have two animals fighting each other in the front & back of your clothes. Women that are round on the top & bottom should try to wear A-line dresses that flair or flow outward as to mask your belly of thats a problem area, also flowing tops would be a good look. Thick or curvy women accentuate by wearing a more fitting look, but keep it classy; it's a thin line between classy and nasty, don't cross it! Tall women try not to get clothing that hangs on you. You know the type, the kind of clothing that wears you instead of you wearing it. Diva, every move you make should be watched as if you danced from point A to B. It should hug all the right places, hide all the bad ones, and moves like your own skin. Believe me, if you keep these basic ideas in mind nothing and nobody will ever call you hot and uncomfortable EVER AGAIN! Until next time ladies, remain beautiful, confident, and above all a SHOW-STOPPER! Xoxo!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Were taking Fashion Plus on the road!

Hello my full figured & fashionable ladies! In the coming weeks I will be traveling throughout the metro area visiting fashion shows & observing what is being worn on the streets( a full figured girl's red carpet). Along the way I hope to pick up some tips to bring back to you. If there are any particular places that I should visit please comment below and send me some info. In the meantime, let's talk trends! This season is full of new trends, classics, and some down right statement making pieces. As always animal prints are in full force, but ladies please be careful how you wear them. It's a thin line between chic and shock! Don't let the print overpower the look your going for, it should always complement or accent. This season I'm so proud to say that the plus size woman is taking center stage! I can't wait to see what the season brings! Here's some photo's just to show you what's coming your way! Don't forget to comment below! Xoxoxo!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Fashion on the plus side! Spring is here guide to stepping up your game!

Hi Diva's! Spring/Summer is quickly coming, are you ready for the style explosions coming your way? I went shopping recently and I begin to notice that plus fashion is defiantly on the rise in the metro area. But as quickly as it's rising some trends are typical to the season when it comes to plus sizes. So, I'm shopping and I see this very cute top. When I shop I look for pieces that I can dress up or down, and are flattering to my shape( I have a larger bottom area, then top). When I got the item home I realized that I have the exact same top, same color, different fabrics & stores they were purchased in. Don't you just hate that? You get something home only to realize you have it already? I do too! This occurrence is what I know it as the FASHION REPETITION! That's when you know a change has to be made ASAP! it's sad that some so called fashion designers only have one kind of vision when it comes to Diva's like ourselves. So, I urge everyone to not conform to these narrow designers but to push them to their limits. Ladies, the seasons changing let your beautiful arms & legs free from bondage! We shouldn't have to cover up in the same drab clothing while other women wear two strings and a handkerchief! Diva's this is our year and this year THE CLOTHES ARE COMING OFF! I have some pictures I want to share of some spring styles we can incorporate into our wardrobe. As always ladies, stay beautiful, confident, & sex!

Luv ya!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Originality not so original: how can we get it back again?

Hello diva's! Let's talk originality, how many of us can honestly say that our styles are original? Very few I'm I think. Some of us think were original but really were following what the fashion trend is at the time. We as a whole normally rely on what were told we should look like or wear according to what magazine executives say is a MUST HAVE for a week or two. What do you think about that? Do you like to be told that this particular item is what you should have, and not that other item from last week that looks exactly the same but in a different color? No! I don't either. It's hard enough to find great buys being a plus woman as it is, let alone be told that I have got to have this or my fashion future will be ruined. So I pose the question, what is originality to you? How do you set yourself apart from the thousands of other women, who may purchase the same item(s) as you? I came across this picture that talks about barriers being a plus size woman and I wanted to share it with you all in hopes that it would encourage some of us to break as many of them as possible. Please leave any questions, comments or concerns below. Don't forget to follow one of your favorite plus size divas! Until next time ladies! Xoxox!

Fabulously Plus Girl.

Monday, April 2, 2012

IT'S MY SIZE! BUT SHOULD I WEAR IT?? stretch don't stretch plus clothing that isn't quite plus.

Hi diva's! Today we talk about a very serious subject plaguing not just the plus size community, but the entire fashion community as a whole. Its the I CAN FIT THAT BEAST!! YES! That beast sits on our shoulders and convinces us that, that smaller size will fit and we can pull it off. Also, who ever thinks we can't is a hater. Ladies were all guilty of seeing something we like that's too small and we get the largest size and squeeze into it anyway and swear were cute! Even smaller women are guilty of it, but the difference there is there clothes are baggy were as ours is too damn tight. I've seen an offender of I CAN FIT THAT BEAST yesterday; there I was minding my own business when I saw this diva getting out of her car, that's when I saw it...HER OUTFIT! Don't get me wrong what she had on was very cute, and she was a pretty girl, but what she had on could have be a size or two bigger than it was. Like I said before I'm also guilty of the beast sitting on my shoulders that tells me I can fit that too, but I know how to work around it. So, ladies here are some tips and tricks that helped me to work with clothing that a wee bit too small. First, I want to say that if your on a budget( like me) sometimes you have to work with what you have. So, please there is NO SHAME in our games; we just have to clean it up a little and make it look effortless. Diva's, when wearing a small article of clothing make sure it doesn't bring too much attention to the wrong places. For example, it you wear tight fitting jeans; your top doesn't have to be equally tight if not tighter. If you have a "tummy pocket" bring the attention up! Take it away from your tummy area and bring it to your face or my personal favorite your breasts; a very good bra is required for such a task. If your face is beautiful, makeup flawless, accessories complementing, and breasts at eye level; trust me you won't have to worry about your tummy. If your small on top but big on the bottom, this works a little opposite. you want to bring the attention a bit lower. So, your best bet is to emphasize your hips; wear low rise or hip hugging jeans to give your self more shape or curve. Another trick I want to share is pairing small with loose articles of clothing. If you wear something small on top and big on the bottom; take care to ease the transition from one to the next. Put something a little flowing on top to complement the tighter clothing and always, always make sure your comfortable with the transition. Because, if your not; the uncomfortable expression will be written all across your face; and you will lose the effect your trying to give. Whats the effect your trying to give? Easy, I'm sexy no matter my size; and I'm confident about myself and my capabilities; How about yourself? Until next time diva's stay beautiful, confindent, and sexy! Any questions, comments, or concerns leave them below. Thanks!

Fabulous Plus Girl